Hello, I'm

Ruben Abraham Shibu

Front-end | Ethical Hacker | CSCU | RPA

About Me

About me

🖥️ Hey👋,

I'm Ruben Abraham Shibu. I am from Pathanamthitta, Kerala, India, currently pursuing my Bachelor's in Computer Science Engineering from Amal Jyothi College of Engineering. I am a Student Developer, aiming to be a Reseacher on Cyber Security and I love to learn new things. I like to introduce myself as a Front-End Developer and as an Ethical Hacker. I spend my weekends attending Hackathons, Volunteering for IEEE offline Events, before Covid 😷, and hacking on my side projects💻. I am presently working on fulfilling the big dreams and ambition in my life and for the betterment of humanity.

A few honest things about me, I want to be an optimist but ends up being the pessimist in the story. I'm a huge fan of Harry Potter movies, loves binge watching but never really gets the time to. One thing that taught me how to be myself is IEEE, and I am proud to say that I am a very active IEEE member. I also have a hypothetical motto to enjoy life at every moment but never really tries to do it. So that's pretty much all about me 😄.


My Projects

30 Days of JavaScript

It's a website with 30 JavaScript projects. 30 Days 30 Projects using JavaScript, HTML, CSS.

See Project

CSS-Components is a website where you can find various CSS components which was build as a HacktoberFest Open-Source project, and accepting many contributions.

See Project

'Ping me' is a Flutter-based project which helps me to Whatsapp a number without saving, created for my personal use.

See Project
HTML CSS Snippet

A Visual Studio Code snippet extention for CSS and HTML, for some boilerplate codes.

See Project
React Admin

It is an Admin Dashboard using ReactJS as front-end and Firebase, NodeJS as it's back-end.

See Project

It's a Telegram bot which helps to search GitHub profiles, movies easily. It is an open-source project.

See Project

Created a todo web - application using ReactJS as front-end and Flask as back-end.

See Project
python simple -> hard

Its a GitHub repo where you can find simple Python programs to higher level Python programs.

See Project
Crime-Reporting webapp

Created a web application as a team project which helps to report crime in the crime spot. It is developed using HTML, CSS and PHP.

See Project

Awards & Certifications

  • Cyber Law by Kerala Police Cyberdome
  • Architecting with Google Compute Engine(2020) - Coursera
  • IEEE Best Volunteer(2020) - LUXATHON 2.0
  • IEEEXtreme Ambassador(2020)
  • 30-days of Kotlin(2020)
  • Linux for Developers(2020) - Coursera
  • Problem-Solving through Programming in C - NPTEL
  • The Complete Web Development Bootcamp - Udemy
  • Introduction to Relational Database and SQL
  • NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB & More: The Complete Bootcamp - Udemy
  • Linux Tools for Developers(2020) - Coursera
  • IEEE Brand Ambassador
  • First-Runner up ISQIP Hackathon(2019)
  • The Basics of Cyber Security 2020 - Udemy
  • Web Development By Doing: HTML / CSS From Scratch - Udemy


  • Kochi Hub Coordinator - SYP Team IEEE CS Kerala Chapter
  • District Coordinator - KITES Foundation (Social service)
  • Zomato Feeding India - Thiruvalla Chapter member (Social service)
  • Student Cadet Kerala Police Cyberdome
  • Nextguard Volunteer - Cyber Security Social Awareness Team
  • Freelance Developer
  • Computer Society of India (2018-2022)
  • IEEE ComSoc Kerala Chapter Kochi-Hub SR(2021)
  • IEEE AJCE SB, Vice-Chair(2020)
  • IEEE AJCE SB, CS Chapter Founding Chair(2020)
  • Coordinator - IEEE Inspire India Team
  • IEEEXtreme 14.0 Campus Ambassador
  • IEEE LINK Online Competitions Team Coordinator - IEEE LINK(2020)
  • IEEE SIGHT Kerala Section Student Team Coordinator(2020)
  • Computer Science Association(CS Dept, Amal Jyothi College of Engineering) - Treasurer(2019 - 2020)
